May 21, 2024

Top 5 Tips to Drive Client Adoption of Your Secure Portal

Chris Farrell

Transitioning clients to a secure online portal can enhance security, convenience, and service quality. However, getting clients to adopt new technology requires both strategy and persistence. This article contains proven methods for getting clients to embrace your new client portal.

Select a Portal that is Easy to Use

Ensuring your portal offers a great client experience is essential to your success. Many accounting portals today seem stuck in the past, with interfaces that look and feel as if they were designed decades ago. If clients find your portal difficult or frustrating to use, they won't adopt it, nullifying all its benefits. Look for a portal that offers a modern, intuitive experience similar to the apps they already love. Prioritize options with a highly-rated mobile app, a mobile web version option, and simple options to login securely. The mobile apps will keep your power users happy, a mobile web experience is ideal for casual users who are on the go, and simple login options will remove the most important barrier to client adoption. 

Benefits for Clients

When introducing a new client portal, it’s crucial to communicate the direct benefits to your clients. They need to understand not only the security and efficiency improvements for your firm but also how the portal will enhance their own experience. By clearly outlining the advantages, you can encourage clients to embrace the new technology and appreciate its value. Here are three benefits to tout: 


Let clients know that you take safeguarding their sensitive data seriously. Indicate that the secure portal will keep their data safe and that you’ll no longer be sending or accepting sensitive client information over email. If you anticipate pushback, let them know that what you’re asking for is no different than how banks treat their data. If that isn’t enough, consider providing them with the option to sign a release of liability that protects you and the firm from the cost of a data breach if they insist on using insecure channels.

Mobile Convenience

Communicate that you have your own mobile app. Clients are on the go and the ability to access their information anytime, anywhere, is a key benefit. Offering both mobile apps and mobile web makes it easy for both power users and casual users to easily work with you wherever they are. 


Highlight the convenience of self-service options. Clients can upload documents, communicate securely with your firm, and find important information without the need for in-person visits or phone calls. Clients will appreciate the ability to find what they need 24/7.

Adoption Takes Time

Set reasonable adoption goals and be both consistent and patient. Unless you’re willing to force users to change, it’s common to see 60%-80% adoption after one year. The key to improving on those numbers is to remain consistent in your messaging and your approach. Over time, clients will embrace the change just like they did with online banking. 

infographic showing the top 5 tips to drive client adoption of your secure portal

Keys to Success

To encourage adoption of the new client portal, consistency and communication are key. Here’s how you can effectively promote its use:

1. Consistently Use the Portal

Ensure all communications and data transfers are routed through the portal. By making the portal the primary channel for interactions, clients will become accustomed to its use and understand its importance. Consistency reinforces the habit and demonstrates your commitment to data security.

2. Promote Benefits

Regularly remind clients of the portal's security, convenience, and self-service features. Highlight how the portal protects their sensitive information, offers easy access through mobile apps and web, and allows them to manage their documents and communications efficiently. Frequent reminders help reinforce the portal’s value and encourage clients to embrace it.

3. Provide Support and Training

Offer clear instructions and support to help clients get started with the portal. Create user guides, FAQs, and tutorial videos that address common questions and issues. Providing this support can ease the transition and reduce any resistance to using the new system.

4. Gather and Act on Feedback

Encourage clients to provide feedback on their experience with the portal. Use this feedback to make improvements and address any concerns. Showing that you value their input and are willing to make changes can increase their willingness to use the portal.

5. Showcase Success Stories

Share testimonials and case studies from clients who have successfully adopted the portal and experienced its benefits. Real-life examples can be persuasive and motivate other clients to follow suit.

By consistently using the portal, promoting its benefits, providing support, gathering feedback, and showcasing success stories, you can effectively encourage your clients to adopt the new technology and enjoy its advantages.


Transitioning to a secure client portal is a strategic move that enhances security and client satisfaction. Through the use of good planning, early communication, and disciplined messaging, you can effectively drive client adoption. As a result, you’ll mitigate major security risks and comply with key data safeguard regulations while improving firm and client satisfaction. For more detailed information on selecting and implementing client portals, visit our Definitive Guide to Client Portals for Accountants.

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