Smart Tax Organizer Template Options

Our three organizer templates let you choose the right fit for each client. Use different templates across your client base to ensure the best experience for everyone. Select the options below that best align with your clients’ needs.

Choose the Right Templates for Your Clients

The tax organizer sets the tone for the rest of the tax process. Each of our templates were created to help you improve client response rates, increase satisfaction with your firm and save your team time and resources.

Download the Smart Organizer Comparison Guide


This is the ideal option for clients who just need to upload IRS source documents like W-2s or 1099s. These clients may also struggle with completing the form or may not need to provide the added information included in the questionnaire.


This is the default template because it covers the needs of 80-90% of your clients. This template includes opportunities to upload IRS source documents and a Smart Form that provides you with the right information for most business and personal tax clients while still improving client response rates by keeping it brief, intuitive and easy-to-complete.


This is for clients who regularly itemize every year, or otherwise require additional information. The template for this form includes additional sections for things like non-resident alien taxpayers, other income and adjustments and other credits and deductions. Clients can review detailed dependent information, confirm any Estimated Tax Payments projected from last year's filing, and access the Itemized Deductions section even if they didn't itemize previously.

Find the Right Template For You

Tax Topic or Focus Area
IRS Document Uploads
Due Diligence Questions
Personal Details Update
Contact Information Update
Dependent Information
Estimated Tax Payments
Itemized Deductions (Schedule A)
Schedule C (Sole Proprietorship)
Schedule E (Rent & Royalty Income)
Schedule F (Farming Income)
Farm Rental (Form 4835)
Other Income & Adjustments
Other Credits & Deductions
State-Specific Questions
Non-Resident Alien Support
Designed for clients with minimal tax needs, focusing only on essential IRS documents with no questionnaires or complex data entries.
IRS Document Uploads
Asks for only essential documents (e.g., W-2s, 1099s)
Due Diligence Questions
Personal Details Update
Contact Information Update
Dependent Information
Estimated Tax Payments
Itemized Deductions (Schedule A)
Schedule C (Sole Proprietorship)
Schedule E (Rent & Royalty Income)
Schedule F (Farming Income)
Farm Rental (Form 4835)
Other Income & Adjustments
Other Credits & Deductions
State-Specific Questions
Non-Resident Alien Support
Thoroughly detailed, suitable for clients with complex tax situations, providing full support for itemized deductions, additional schedules, and various credits.
IRS Document Uploads
Requests all needed IRS documents and supporting details
Due Diligence Questions
Includes detailed questions spread across sections
Personal Details Update
Comprehensive updates, including detailed demographic information
Contact Information Update
Allows for a full review and update of all contact information
Dependent Information
Allows a full review of dependent information, with options to add or update
Estimated Tax Payments
Allows entry of all payment details, including amounts, dates, and jurisdictions
Itemized Deductions (Schedule A)
Asks for itemized deduction details if the client filed last year
Schedule C (Sole Proprietorship)
Asks for all details of business income and expenses if the client filed last year
Schedule E (Rent & Royalty Income)
Asks about rental or royalty income if the client filed last year
Schedule F (Farming Income)
Asks about farming income  if the client filed last year
Farm Rental (Form 4835)
Asks about farming rental rental income and expenses if the client filed last year
Other Income & Adjustments
Includes a complete section for any additional income or adjustments
Other Credits & Deductions
Allows full entry for any unique or complex credits and deductions
State-Specific Questions
Provides full state-specific questions for each applicable state
Non-Resident Alien Support
Includes all necessary questions for non-resident filers if they filed as such last year

Known Issues with Smart Tax Organizers

We’re actively working on a few refinements:

Lacerte 1098-E: File upload prompts are displaying prior-year values instead of the lender name.

Thank you for helping us test, and please reach out to with any additional feedback!