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“WOW! I cannot begin to describe how wonderful the Timeline feature is. We woke up on deadline day with 299 returns on our watch list and 15 people flying all over the place. If it was not for the email integration and timeline features, we would not have been as efficient. Before I would not have had that visibility.”

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Mandi Ruth, Office Manager, Sweeten CPA

“While there are 20-plus portal products in the market, the Single Portal approach used by Liscio makes gathering of prepared by client documents easy.”

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Randy Johnston
VP, K2 Enterprises

“Liscio is going to transform the industry, client service, CX, and quality of life for CPAs like nothing before. I'm convinced of it.

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Steve Perkins
CIO, Hogan Taylor

Customer Support:
If you are a current Liscio customer, you can email us at support@liscio.me

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